Transforming the lives of children with autism through running.

Step Ahead is a national community network of running teams for children with autism and their siblings. Step Ahead running teams are college campus based and powered by college student-athletes. Founded at Washington University in St. Louis in 2015, Step Ahead will soon be established at 12 colleges in 10 states.



There are more than 1.5 million children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the United States. Autism impairs an individual’s ability to communicate and socialize, often interfering with a child’s ability to participate in standard athletic teams.

Step Ahead is on its way to becoming the largest national organization dedicated to this unique population. For many of our athletes, Step Ahead practices are transformational, providing them with a community of children with similar experiences and a safe and welcoming environment to have fun, gain confidence, and participate on an athletic team.


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Step Ahead equips college student-athlete volunteers with the tools and training needed to establish free, campus-based running teams for local children with autism.

Step Ahead’s replicable and scalable college campus-based model requires low-overhead , maximizing the efficiency of the funding we receive. Student-athletes are responsible for establishing, directing, and volunteering the Chapters, with assistance from the national organization.



Inspiring confidence, community, and connection between children with autism, their families, and college student-athletes.

Our vision is to have a Step Ahead team established at every college campus in the United States, giving athletic opportunities to every child with autism, positively impacting 2+ million family members, and opening the minds and hearts of college student-athletes.


A word from Step Ahead’s Founder

Annie Marggraff

Founder & Executive Director

Annie Marggraff discovered an interest in running at age 10, when she realized she could outrun most of the boys in her PE class. Annie joined her local xc and track club and quickly fell in love with the sport, In 2015, Annie combined her love of running and determination to create athletic opportunities for all, with the assistance of college student-athletes nationwide, to create Step Ahead.